Counts Percent Change
1998 1999 2000 2001
01 RAILROADS REPORTING 668 666 661 684 3.5 2.4
02 TOTAL ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS 16,503 16,776 16,918 16,043 -5.2 -2.8
03   Fatalities 1,008 932 937 971 3.6 -3.7
04   Nonfatal 11,459 11,700 11,643 10,950 -6.0 -4.4
05 TRAIN ACCIDENTS 2,575 2,768 2,983 3,010 0.9 16.9
06   Fatalities 4 9 10 6 -40.0 50.0
07   Nonfatal 129 130 275 307 11.6 138.0
08   Collisions 168 205 238 218 -8.4 29.8
09   Derailments 1,757 1,961 2,112 2,227 5.4 26.8
10   Other 650 602 633 565 -10.7 -13.1
11   Track causes 900 995 1,035 1,118 8.0 24.2
12   Human factors 971 1,031 1,147 1,029 -10.3 6.0
13   Equipment causes 307 321 372 425 14.2 38.4
14   Signal causes 38 49 70 42 -40.0 10.5
15   Misc. causes 359 372 359 396 10.3 10.3
16   Yard accidents 1,306 1,531 1,619 1,562 -3.5 19.6
17 HIGHWAY-RAIL INCS. 3,508 3,489 3,502 3,237 -7.6 -7.7
18   Fatalities 431 402 425 421 -0.9 -2.3
19   Nonfatal 1,303 1,396 1,219 1,156 -5.2 -11.3
20 OTHER INCIDENTS 10,420 10,519 10,433 9,796 -6.1 -6.0
21   Fatalities 573 521 502 544 8.4 -5.1
22   Nonfatal 10,027 10,174 10,149 9,487 -6.5 -5.4
23 EMPLOYEE FATALITIES 27 31 24 22 -8.3 -18.5
24 EMPLOYEE NONFATAL 8,398 8,622 8,423 7,797 -7.4 -7.2
25 TRESPASSER FATALITIES 536 479 463 511 10.4 -4.7
26 TRESPASSER NONFATAL 513 445 414 405 -2.2 -21.1

Date of run: Fri, Nov 1, 2002


  Rates Percent Change
1998 1999 2000 2001
01 Tot accidents/incidents 13.78 13.72 13.94 13.51 -3.0 -1.9
02 Train accidents 3.77 3.89 4.13 4.23 2.5 12.2
03   Yard accidents 15.60 17.51 18.21 18.22 0.0 16.7
04   Other track 2.12 1.98 2.15 2.31 7.5 9.2
05 Employee on duty 3.27 3.39 3.44 3.29 -4.4 0.5
06 Highway-rail incs. 5.14 4.90 4.84 4.55 -6.1 -11.5
07 Passengers on train 3.69 3.33 4.10 4.70 14.6 27.3
08 Trespassers 1.54 1.30 1.21 1.29 6.1 -16.2

Date of run: Fri, Nov 1, 2002


         Tot accidents/incidents rate is the total number of accidents/incidents
         reported times 1,000,000, divided by the sum of train miles and hours

         Train accident rate is the number of train accidents times 1,000,000
         divided by total train miles.

         Yard accident rate is the number of train accidents that occured on yard
         track times 1,000,000 divided by the number of yard switching train miles.

         Other track rate is the number of accidents that did not occur on yard track
         times 1,000,000 divided by total train miles minus yard switching train miles.

         Highway-rail incident rate is the number of incidents times 1,000,000
         divided by the total number of train miles.

         Employee on duty rate is the number of reported cases (fatal and nonfatal)
         times 200,000 divided by the number of employee hours worked.

         Trespasser rate is the number of reported cases (fatal and nonfatal),
         excluding those associated with highway-rail incidents times 1,000,000
         divided by the total train miles.